Prisma Ruacho

Position title: Assistant Director, Multicultural Student Center


Prisma Ruacho (She/Her/Hers) serves as the Assistant Director for Operations and Outreach for the Multicultural Student Center. Prisma leads the team responsible for Organizational Development and MSC operations while also overseeing programmatic initiatives and partnerships that support students of color in their co-curricular involvement and leadership development.

Prisma’s passion for student affairs began with her work in cultural centers as she worked to create a sense of belonging for students with marginalized identities at a PWI. Prisma previously served as the coordinator of the Asian Pacific American Cultural Center at the University of Iowa where she gained experience in student organization advising, supervising, student leadership development, advocacy, and campus programming. She also recently worked with the Office of Inclusion Education as the Social Justice Education Specialist.

She has a Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Finance and a Masters of Arts in Educational Policy and Leadership Studies both from the University of Iowa.  She loves helping students pursue their passions, connect with resources, and engage in critical reflection and learning. She loves visiting college campuses, reading fiction, listening to podcasts, and hanging out with her dog Leo.