The Latinx Cultural Center (LCC) has officially changed its name from Latinx to Latine as of September 4, 2024. This change was made to remain relevant and responsive to the students the LCC serves and in recognition of the importance of marginalized communities to use the power of language to self-identify. To come to this decision, the LCC engaged in a study of its name over the 2023-2024 academic year. As a result of student feedback as well as research in the field, the LCC and MSC staff recommended updating the center’s name to the Latine Cultural Center starting the fall semester of 2024, which was approved by Student Affairs.
Our full report below details the history of the LCC, context about recent shifts in language, results of the constituent survey, and research on our Big Ten counterparts.
Executive Summary
In an effort to remain relevant and responsive to the students we serve and in recognition of the importance of marginalized communities to use the power of language to self-identify, the Latinx Cultural Center engaged in a study of its name over the 2023-2024 academic year. As a result of student feedback as well as research in the field, we recommend updating the center’s name to the Latine Cultural Center. The report that follows details the history of the LCC, context about recent shifts in language, research on our Big Ten counterparts, and recommendations for implementing this change.
It is recommended to change the name of the Latinx Cultural Center to the Latine Cultural Center effective Fall 2024.
Survey Overview
- Distribution:
- LCC social media, newsletter and physical fliers
- Campus partners
- Duration: March 11-18, 2024
126 survey respondents
112 students, with all but one identifying as Latinx/a/e/o
77% of survey respondents supported changing to Latine
Terminology: Latinx / Latine
In recent years, there has been an ongoing conversation on campus and nationally about the use of Latine versus Latinx. During this time, the LCC has received feedback regarding its name. In response, LCC staff have facilitated events on how students prefer to name themselves.
UW-Madison would be a leader when using Latine as compared to other Big Ten institutions.
Other UW Units
The following units have or are in the process of changing their name to Latine:
– Latine Student Union (2021)
– Wisconsin School of Business Latine Affinity Group (2021)
– LASA Latine Graduation (2024)
– Latinx Academic Staff Association (in progress)
– Chican@ & Latin@ Studies (in progress
Interested in learning more?
The Executive Summary offers a concise overview of key points, while the LCC Name Change Report provides an in-depth analysis of the name change process, rationale, and impacts.
“I believe the LCC is headed in the right direction if we are consistently using our learning and adapting. I am 100% on board with the name change. I want everyone to feel represented and cared for in the space.”
Josue Velazquez, Alumni and co-founder of the LCC